Editorial Booard

Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Deputy Chief Editor
Miraziz M. Talipov

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University

Viktor A. Sidorov
Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Kuban State University
Olga I. Kopytenkova
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Oksana D. Pokrovskaya
Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Oleg R. Ilyasov
Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ural State Transport University
Timur T. Sultanov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, L.N. Gumilyov Euroasian National University
Dmitriy V. Efanov
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Oyum T. Balabayev
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University
Anvar A. Nazarov
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Matluba A. Khadjimukhametova
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Abdusalam V. Umarov
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Shinpolat M. Suyunbaev
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Bahodir A. Mirsalixov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Asadulla R. Azizov
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Barno Dj. Salimova
Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Vladimir M. Soy
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Rustam A. Narov
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Akhmadjon S. Ibadullaev
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry, Tashkent State Transport University
Rakhima X. Khalilova
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Abdullaaziz Artikbaev
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Ravshanbek M. Mirsaatov
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Elmira U. Teshabaeva
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Sakijаn K. Khudayberganov
Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Igor K. Kolesnikov
Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Masud N. Masharipov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Gulshan R. Ibragimova
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Jamshid R. Qobulov
Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Sunnatillo T. Boltaev
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Shukhrat U. Saidivaliev
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Dilfuza A. Makhmudova
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Ilxom A. Kodirov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Nematjon R. Mukhammadiev
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Shukhrat B. Djabbarov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Bahrom A. Abdullaev
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Usarkul Rakhmanov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Lola D. Sharipova
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Mavjuda Yu. Mansurova
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogics, Tashkent State Transport University
Gulnora A. Kasimova
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Diloram K. Sabirova
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Khasan K. Umarov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Dilmurod B. Butunov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Аleksandr A. Svetashev
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Sherzod B. Jumaev
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Khasan M. Kamilov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Obidjon T. Aliev
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technics, Tashkent State Transport University
Ravshan S. Khikmatov
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Saodat A. Yuldasheva
Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Nilufar U. Babakhanova
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Tashkent State Transport University
Ayjan B. Djumanova
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Tashkent State Transport University
Abdurakhman P. Akhmedov
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Nagima T. Khudayberganova
Senior Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Khayotjon M. Qurbonov
Assistant, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Akmaljon G. Ikromov
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Makhira N. Usmanova
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Shakhboz U. Normurodov
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University
Sayyora T. Tuychieva
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Sherzodbek Sh. Ismoilov
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Tashkent State Transport University
Malika N. Tuychieva
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Tashkent State Transport University