Editorial Policy

The editorial board evaluates the intellectual content of the manuscript regardless of the author’s race, nationality, gender, religious views, origin, citizenship, social status, or political views. It guarantees that unpublished information in manuscripts submitted for review cannot be used for personal purposes or disclosed to third parties without the author’s consent. It ensures that information and ideas of certain value obtained during the review process will not be used to maintain confidentiality and personal gain.
The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish material that has sufficient grounds to be considered plagiarism. In its activities, the editorial board undertakes the following responsibilities:

  • continuous improvement of the journal;
  • adherence to the principle of freedom of thought;
  • striving to meet the requirements of the journal’s readers and authors;
  • excluding the influence of business and political interests when making decisions on the publication of materials;
  • basing the decision on publication on the following main criteria: correspondence of the manuscript to the journal’s theme; relevance, novelty, and scientific value of the presented article; clarity of presentation; reliability of results and completeness of conclusions. Making a decision on publication based on the quality and relevance of the research;
  • taking all reasonable measures necessary to ensure the high quality of published materials and the protection of the confidentiality of personal information;
  • considering the recommendations of reviewers when making a final decision on the publication of the article. The responsibility for the decision to publish lies entirely with the editorial board;
  • justify its decision, whether to accept or reject the article;
  • give the author of the reviewed material the opportunity to justify their scientific position;
  • not cancel the decision of the previous composition to publish the material in case of a change in the composition of the editorial board.
    The editorial board does not ignore objections regarding reviewed manuscripts or published materials, and also takes all necessary measures to eliminate violations when identifying conflict situations.